Al Kabir Polytechnic

From the Principal’s Desk

Waris S. Imam


The current pandemic has put to test, the mettle, spirit and grit of each and every individual. At times subsiding and then suddenly exacerbating, catching us unaware, swooping upon colonies, societies, and localities, wiping them away even before people manage to regain their foothold. In such uncertain times, it’s an immense challenge, to maintain one’s composure, retain the positivity, spread hope, and keep alive humanity. The new normals of life, defined by social distancing and limited mobility, has redefined socialising, and made us lopsidedly reliant on technology.

The field of learning and education has been hit hard. With students remaining confined within the four walls of their homes, teachers left stranded between their gadget screens and google webpage with minimal access to libraries, and the laboratories wearing a deserted and desolate look, the task of imparting, receiving,and sharing knowledge is uphill and quite daunting. The quotidian ways have been found ineffective. The pedagogy warrants reinvention. In short, the field of education calls for recalibration.

Within this sordid and gloomy atmosphere and amongst this cacophony, there is a voice loud and clear, beckoning us into its realm of sublime purity, sending a message to mend our ways in line with ultimate humility and divine tranquility. In such trying times, it becomes the responsibility of the academia, to take up the mantle of leadership, chalk out the path and lead the masses on the same. It’s vital to contribute, actively participate, help shape and frame the opinion and finally roll out and implement the plan to create a new beginning.

Wishing the team, staff and students of Al-Kabir Polytechnic the very best and hope that this is the start to a new dawn.

God bless you all!

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” 

Helen Keller
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