Al Kabir Polytechnic

Quality Assurance Team (Canteen & Mess)


With a view to ensuring Quality in all aspects, a Food Quality Assurance Team is being constituted with the following individuals, as its team members, for a period of two years or till such time the management decides.

1) Mr. Haseebul Haque (Dept. of Computer Science)
2) Mr. Amjad Ali Ansari (Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering)
3) Mr. Sohail Ahmed (Office)

The team will be meeting every fifteen days and will be providing the report to the Principal on quality, hygiene and cleanliness aspects of the canteen and mess facility. Additionally, the team will also audit and monitor the canteen and mess expenditure, on a monthly basis.

Wishing the team good luck and requesting the staff and stake holders to provide their support and co-operation to them.



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