Al Kabir Polytechnic



A name synonymous with altruism and charity, Haji Abdul Hakim Sahab popularly known as Haji Sahab, was born in 1921, sent by the Almighty with a mission to serve and do only good to mankind. He may have stepped into the world of eternity on the 2nd February 2011, but will remain etched in the mortal hearts through generations.

An intelligent man whose education seeped beyond the domains of text books, Haji Abdul Hakim pursued his Pre-University from St. Columbus College in Hazaribagh. He derived his business acumen from his father, Janab Kabir Sahab who himself played a pioneering role in the effective emergence of the city’s small scale industrial sector.

In fact, it was Haji Sahab who came out with a synchronized factor in people’s work-a-day lifestyle the intended wash soap that also becomes bath soap – Duanni Sabun – which continues to find essential space in shop shelves.

A down-to-earth, simple human being, Alhaj Abdul Hakim found an outlet to his religious zeal through pursuit of his philanthropic goals. A pious Muslim that he was, the tender purity of his heart decimated all caste-creed barriers where a needy mankind comprised the essential children of One Creator. He initiated his passion to serve man with the establishment of Kabir Welfare Trust during the 1978-’79 period. Today this Trust enjoys a pride of place on the pedestal of eminence among social organizations.

Haji Sahab’s social concern was not restricted to Trust activities alone. He epitomized the adage, ‘Service to man is service to God.’ He set up the Muslim Fund that continues to cast rays of hope and progress in the socio-economic spheres of many poverty-riddled Muslim homes.

He was also The Chairman of Kabiria Trust which runs Kabiria Middle and High Schools and Kabiria Inter College. It was under his able stewardship as chairman of Kabiria Welfare Trust that Kabiria Urdu Middle School saw the light of day in 1965 followed by Kabir Memorial Urdu High School in 1970. The Kabiria Women’s College was established in 1980, Girls Degree College in 1982 and Al-Kabir Polytechnic in 1990. The Trust’s social welfare commitments led to the founding of Family Health Centre (1990) and Masjid-e-Umer (1993).

He also laid down foundations stone of several Masjid and Madrasas in several places of Bihar and Jharkhand. His attachment organization like Imarat Shariah, Haj Committee, Jamat-e-Ulema Hind, Muslim Library has proved to be very productive and stimulating for the society. Alhaj Abdul Hakim’s mortal remains have been laid to rest and his soul is in Allah’s lap but his deeds for the progress and happiness of mankind, especially the children of the lesser God, will continue to permeate in the pages of legendary posterity through generations to follow.

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