Al Kabir Polytechnic

Chairman’s Message

Dr Salim Sb
It is indeed a matter of pleasure that Al-Kabir Polytechnic is bringing out its annual college magazine “CANVAS-2021″.Education must not be confined within the walls of a classroom only. CANVAS-2021 is a nice blend of technicality and literature and is enabling a step forward to transcend the limitations of human perception and to understand the continual growth of the world.I am glad that by virtue of this publication, the Al-Kabir Polytechnic aims to exhibit various aspect of the students and showcase their unique skills and creativity.The efforts put in by the team of CANVAS-2021 is commendable the team has overcome an uphill task to manage two contradictory ideas of pragmatism and imagination at the same time.I extend my heartiest congratulation to the team of CANVAS-2021 for putting in their best to bring out this issue of annual magazine. I convey my best wishes to the students, staff, HODs  and Principal of Al-Kabir Polytechnic to make this work a success.

Dr. Md. Salim
Kabir Welfare Trust
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